Ideas cannot be fossilized, 2023

In the project Ideas cannot be fossilzed, I create sculptures in granite based on children's drawings. The project examines children's drawings as a means of communication and studies the child's first attempts at writing letters. This connects with the art historical idea that man began to write down her history when she began to write. I thus link the children's first attempt at written communication to the history of human art and through this project studiy the children's transition from their own prehistory into history.

In connection with the project, 24 workshops with preschool children will be held in September 2023. The material accumulated from the workshops is used as a basis for a stone sculpture that will be produced in spring 2024. The children also get to participate in the creation of a public work of art which they will then be able to visit and interract with after the end of the project. This project is partly inspired by the consciousness-raising pedagogy of the Brazilian educator Paolo Freire; he believes that by becoming aware of one's reality, one becomes a co-creator in ones culture and, in the long run, also a co-creator in ones history.

© Clara Aldén 2024